William Alison Anders Astronaut
Born: October 17, 1933
Birth Place: Hong Kong, China
Date Joined NASA: October 17, 1963
Year Left NASA: 1969
Space Flights: 1
Time in Space: 6.13 days
Number of EVAs: 0
William Anders
- Gemini 11
Assignment: Backup Crew
- Apollo 8
Assignment: Prime Crew Flight Duration: 6.13 days
- Apollo 11
Assignment: Backup Crew
Received a Bachelor of Science degree from the US
Naval Academy (1955)
Commissioned in the US Air Force as a fighter pilot.
After receiving a Master of Science Degree, Anders was
assigned to the Air Force Weapons laboratory and given
responsibility for technical management of nuclear power
reactor shielding and radiation effects programs
Replaced Michael Collins as a crew member of Apollo 8
after Collins became ill. Along with Frank Borman
and James Lovell, Anders became one of the first three humans to ever
travel from the Earth to the Moon.
Left NASA in 1969 and served as the executive
secretary of the National Aeronautics and Space Council
from 1969 - 1973.
Appointed to the Atomic Energy Commission in 1973.
In 1975 he was chosen by President Ford to become the
first Chairman of the new Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Appointed the US Ambassador to Norway.
Left the US government in 1977. He worked for a number
of large corporations including General Electric,
Textron, and General Dynamics which he retired from in
He is President and Director of the Anders Foundation,
which is a philanthropic organisation.
Holds the rank of Major General in the Air Force
Information provided by Mark Wades Encyclopedia Astronautica