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Welcome to Lunar Orbit, a new website dedicated to the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo space programs. I hope this site will become a great reference for people learning about space history, whether they are students or just space enthusiasts like myself.

You will find information about the manned missions to Earth orbit and the Moon during the 1960's and 1970's in the Encyclopedia. In the Image Gallery you will have access to many photographs and videos. There will be reviews of movies, television, books, and websites that involve space exploration in one way or another on the Reviews page.

You will also be able to interact with other people with an interest in space through the Lunar Orbit Forum.

I limited the sites content to the earlier American space programs for two reasons. The first reason is that it is the era of space exploration that interests me the most. The second reason is that the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs have ended while the Shuttle and Space Station are still active programs and it would be too hard for me to keep the site up to date.

Most of the features are still in the process of being made, but in the meantime, be sure to check out the News page. Universe Today provides this website with space news from all over the internet.

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Webpage designed by Kelly Jones, © 2001
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Last Updated on October 22, 2001